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Startwell Award- Rainbow Day Nursery .jp

Rainbow Day Nursery is happy to announce that we received the Startwell Award. The hard work and dedication  of our staff to implement the programme and getting all parents on board is a testimony to the nursery’s success in helping children develop and grow healthy.  


Startwell is an new national child health and wellbeing development programme. It is based on 8 key messages to support early years setting, parents and health professionals creating a healthier environment for our children and families.

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Startwell is an exciting programme which is being rolled out through out Birmingham. It is based on 7 key messages to support early years setting, Parents and health professionals creating a healthier environment for our children and families.

We implement these 7 key messages in our setting by ensuring our children are eating healthy and doing the recommend physical activities a day.










Suzy role model looks at being a role model for your child by eating fruits and snack with your child. Praise them when they try a new activity or new food, Involving children in food, shopping, food preparations and meal times. Model skills such as throwing, jumping balancing, as well as being involved in active play and physical sessions.



















2 Snack Max- Looks at giving children ONE healthy mid-morning and ONE mid-afternoon snacks as well as giving them three healthy 'me-sized meals' This will help ensure kids have enough energy to keep them going throughout the day. Healthy snacks include fruit/veg and starchy foods like bread, rice cakes and breadsticks. See the Startwell website for tasty home-made dip ideas in the recipe section.


180 Katie promotes Pre-school age children who are capable of walking to be active daily for at least 180 minutes (3 hours) throughout the day. 60 minutes high intensity which makes the heart go 'boom'. 

Children under 5 need playtime to master their physical development and develop fundamental skills. This also impacts the development of the brain. 

From birth on wards physical activity is crucial. Regular opportunities for 'tummy time' (prone position) are important for infants less then 6 months of age.

Physical activity has positive effects on a child's physical health 'Weight and blood pressure'  Mental Health (Well-Being) it promotes bone health and motor skills, Social, cognitive and emotional development.







Me sized meals (Mickey me size) Toddler and kids have smaller stomachs so it is important they eat smaller amounts of food regularly. Adult sized meals for their small bodies can cause illnesses and heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes and cancer later in life. 

You can measure the size of their meals by spreading out their hand and giving them the amount of food accordingly including healthy foods. 

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Active Azra (avoid inactivity) Under 5's should not be retrained or kept inactive for more than one hour at a time with the exception of sleeping. This can cause excessive weight and lower cognitive development.

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Sammy skills (Developing Fundamental Movement Skills) Promotes skilled based play. It is important to create environments and activities which will encourage children to develop their fundamental movement skills. These include, Jumping, kicking, throwing, running. hopping etc. 

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Fay 5 a day (Make sure your child gets at least a variety of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables everyday full of essential vitamins/minerals and fibre. A portion is roughly what fits in their hand.For adults, it is rougly 80g. These include fresh, frozen, tinned and dried fruit.

Five a day helps reduce the risk of developing heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers. 

Smiley Shen encourages us to keep our teeth clean and healthy.  He tells us that even our first set of teeth, our ‘milk teeth’, are really important. Children use these to learn to eat, chew and speak. They are making the spaces for our adult teeth. If milk teeth are removed prematurely the gap that should be there for the adult tooth may disappear as the neighbouring milk teeth move into the gap. This can block the eruption of the adult permanent teeth. If milk teeth get damaged or decayed it can also damage the adult teeth underneath.

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